


What is Ex Terra – Area 52 ?

Ex Terra – Area 52 is a place for sure. It is not hypothetical; it is not a virtual place it is as real as you are.

Area 52- Ex Terra is the High Seas beyond the territorial reach of any de jure/de facto government or state. It is everywhere within the boundary and nowhere in particular. The region is hypothecated to your use and enjoyment and anyone “trespassing upon it” or conducting illegal activity, is subject to our penalty. Please note that warships, war traffic, illegal arms, weapons of mass destruction, mercenaries, human trafficking, money laundering, drug running, and all other sorts of clandestine activity perpetrated by the 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Berkshire, Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity) the 300 Families of the 13 Bloodlines, all traffic via your back yard daily with cargoes which make the Luciferian Rebellion tick. Area 52- Ex Terra is now ONLINE and taking control of the Management thanks to intercession of the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW), The Guardian Alliance (GA) and various Councils of Worlds.


THE GLOBAL COMMONS – WHAT Area 52 – Ex Terra offers you!

Global commons is a term typically used to describe international, supranational, and global resource domains in which common-pool resources are found. Global commons include:

  • The Earth's shared natural resources, forests, fuel reserves, inner earth minerals and the High Seas outside of the claimed 12nm Territorial Limit
  • The Antarctic and Arctic in particular
  • Inner Space – Sub Surface Earth
  • The Atmosphere – Inner Space
  • Outer space
  • Cyberspace may also meet the definition of a global commons.

The term "global commons" is typically used to indicate the earth's shared natural resources, such as:

  • Deep oceans
  • High Seas outside the 12NM Territorial waters Claim
  • Inner earth
  • The Atmosphere – Inner Space
  • Outer space
  • The Northern and Southern polar regions
  • The Antarctic in particular
  • Cyber space
Definition and usage.

"Global commons" is a term typically used to describe international, supranational, and global resource domains in which common-pool resources are found. In economics, common goods are rivalrous and non-excludable, constituting one of the four main types of goods. A common-pool resource, also called a common property resource, is a special case of a common good (or public good) whose size or characteristics makes it costly, but not impossible, to exclude potential users. Examples 9 include both natural or human-made resource domains (e.g., a "fishing hole" or an irrigation system). Unlike global public goods, global common-pool resources face problems of congestion, overuse, or degradation because they are subtractable (which makes them rivalrous).

The term "commons" originates from the term common land in the British Isles. "Commoners rights" referred to traditional rights held by commoners, such as mowing meadows for hay or grazing livestock on common land held in the open field system of old English common law. Enclosure was the process that ended those traditional rights, converting open fields to private property. Today, many commons still exist in England, Wales, Scotland, and the United States, although their extent is much reduced from the millions of acres that existed until the 17th century. There are still over 7,000 registered commons in England alone.


According to the World Conservation Strategy, a report on conservation published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in collaboration with UNESCO and with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF):

"A commons is a tract of land or water owned or used jointly by the members of a community. The global commons includes those parts of the Earth's surface beyond national jurisdictions — notably the open ocean and the living resources found there — or held in common — notably the atmosphere. The only landmass that may be regarded as part of the global commons is Antarctica ..."

Today, the Internet, World Wide Web and resulting cyberspace are often referred to as global commons. Other usages sometimes include references to open access information of all kinds, including arts and culture, language and science, though these are more formally referred to as the common heritage of mankind, interestingly, being destroyed by the Genocide Program being run via the Necromition/Andromie/Odedicron – Luciferian Samjase rebel factions of ET groups, much to your detriment