


QUESTION: As a Citizen of The New Nation State of “Area 52 – Ex Terra” you are probably asking yourself Q:“What is meant by protection?” What are you saying that you can protect?

ANSWER: We are trying to distance you from the clutches of a society gone awry with all sorts of nonsense penetrating into you daily life and routine, we are nothing if not practical!

Princess Diana, Seth Rich, The Kennedys, Luc Montaigner, Rashid Buttar, Andreas Noack and innumerable others have all mysteriously been “suicided” or dies in good health. I think it’s time to put a STOP on all of this, don’t you?

We therefore offer a series/sequence of Interdimensional blocks, protections, veils, gates, checks and assistance delivered on the 4D plane via Keylontic Technology and is there to ensure that you are allowed to customise yourself in your New Nursery. Analogous by comparison to a re-potted plant, a seedling, moved from the potting shed into the “Great Outdoors” of the Garden World. Some type/degree of oversight is required from the gardener. With protection comes Security of Mind